Saturday, February 4, 2017

Zeller Schwartze Katz

We finally got the gang back together for a wine skyping session after a long hiatus.  For more information about how we got together check out our story/mission statement. 

We tried a Zeller Schwartze Katz Qualitätswein by Schmitt Söhne. Good German wine from the Zell vineyard in Longuich Germany with 9.5% alcohol. It says to be paired with light foods and served chilled. It's a steal at $8.99. Most of us had the 2014 vintage. 

Appearance: translucent amber, almost clear with quick legs
Nose: sweet, flowery, slightly citrus, honeysuckle 
Taste: fruity, Apple, pear, citrus, clean finish with no aftertaste 
Pairing: went well with various cheese and crackers, pretzels 

Sherry 3
Robin 3 
Erin 3
Sam 3
Melissa 3

We all really liked this wine but couldn't give it a 4 on the Brit scale since we didn't think it was a Superior culinary event (it was sooo light!). On a side note Melissa thinks that only red wines can be 4s. 🙄 See our post about the Brit scale for more information on our rating system. 

This is a great light wine that pretty much anyone would like.  Great to bring to a dinner with friends. Sherry called this a great patio wine.